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Augmented Reality
Industrial Visualization


Industrial Visualization


AR Marketing and Training


Done With You: Ongoing brand engagement


Conversion rate: 50+%


Handheld immersive product catalog that puts products in the hands of consumers and manufacturers across the globe.


“I’ve never been able to track the views of my business card or product brochures.  Now I can see who’s experiencing the products I represent and how they engage with my book of business for me to set-up a followup call.  Simply Brilliant.”

Jason Smith – SSI

Unlocking the Power of Industrial Marketing: Turbine Visualization with AR

In the world of industrial marketing, conveying the value and functionality of complex machinery and equipment can be a daunting task. How do you educate and engage potential clients when your products are large, intricate, and often challenging to understand through traditional marketing channels? This is where ARHero’s cutting-edge industrial visualization technology comes into play, as exemplified by the recent city banner featuring a turbine brought to life in augmented reality (AR). This dynamic use case not only educates and captivates viewers but also opens up new avenues for marketing and client engagement.

Industrial marketing faces the challenge of effectively communicating the features, benefits, and inner workings of complex machinery and equipment. Traditional marketing efforts, such as brochures, presentations, or static images, struggle to fully convey the scale, functionality, and impact of industrial products. Potential clients may find it difficult to envision how a turbine, for example, operates and fits into their industrial processes. This lack of visualization and understanding can create hesitation, confusion, and missed business opportunities.

Imagine being a potential client interested in integrating a turbine into your industrial operations. Without the ability to visualize and understand the turbine’s design, scale, and functionality, you may hesitate to make a decision. Questions arise: Will it fit into your facility? How will it affect your operations? Will it provide the desired outcomes? This lack of clarity and confidence creates uncertainty and acts as a barrier to investment and progress.

ARHero’s industrial visualization technology revolutionizes industrial marketing by bringing complex machinery and equipment to life in an immersive and interactive way. Let’s consider the example of the city banner featuring a turbine. By simply scanning a QR code or using their mobile device, viewers are transported into a virtual world where the turbine springs to life, rotating and showcasing its intricate components.

This AR experience provides potential clients with an unprecedented opportunity to explore the turbine from every angle, zoom in on specific parts, and gain a deeper understanding of its functionality. They can witness its size, see how it integrates with other equipment, and visualize how it fits into their industrial processes. The interactive nature of AR allows for a hands-on exploration that builds confidence and trust in the product.

Beyond education, this immersive turbine visualization also serves as a powerful marketing tool. The AR experience captures attention, engages viewers, and leaves a lasting impression. The combination of a striking city banner and the ability to interact with a realistic turbine generates buzz, drives curiosity, and sparks conversations. It positions your industrial brand as innovative, forward-thinking, and technologically advanced.

Industrial marketing and visualization have entered a new era with ARHero’s industrial visualization technology. By bringing complex machinery, like the turbine showcased in the city banner, to life through augmented reality, potential clients can now fully understand and appreciate the value and functionality of industrial products. This immersive experience addresses the challenges of communication, education, and decision-making, resulting in increased client engagement and higher conversion rates.

Are you ready to revolutionize your industrial marketing efforts and captivate potential clients? Discover how ARHero’s industrial visualization technology can transform your business and open up new possibilities for growth and success. Embrace the power of augmented reality and take your industrial marketing to new heights.