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ARt and Branding


Immersive Products
Community Engagement


Client had a Vision they wanted to see in order to increase Brand Engagemnt and Community development.  Together AR Nakamigos was brought to life. 


70% Increase in Twitter likes
30% Increase new Followers
57% Increase in Sales Inquiries


An AR NFT is dancing in Times Square.  Do we really need to say more?

Increased Sales, Brand Engagement, Social Media shares…yadda yadda.

An AR NFT of Nakamigos is dancing in Times Square….


“ARHero has truly unlocked the power of Web3 for our project, and the results have been phenomenal. Bringing Nakamigos to life in Times Square was a game-changer for us. The immersive experience captivated our audience, driving engagement, loyalty, and even sales conversion. We witnessed a surge in brand awareness and an enthusiastic community of Nakamigos enthusiasts who eagerly shared their experiences on social media. ARHero’s technology has set us apart from our competitors, giving us a competitive advantage in the Web3 space. Thanks to ARHero, our Web3 project has become a force to be reckoned with, and we couldn’t be happier with the outcome.”

Unleash the Power of Web3 to Create Engagement, Loyalty and Dedicated Brand Evangelists

In the fast-paced digital landscape, brands are constantly seeking innovative ways to captivate their audience and foster lasting connections. The rise of Web3 technology has opened up a world of possibilities, enabling brands to bring their projects to life like never before. Imagine seeing your Web3 project, such as Nakamigos, come alive in the heart of Times Square. In this blog post, we will explore the immense benefits of using ARHero to easily transform your 3D models and Web3 projects into captivating real-world experiences that drive brand engagement, loyalty, and sales conversion.

Traditional marketing methods often struggle to create a lasting impact on today’s digitally-savvy consumers. Static ads and online promotions can only do so much to capture attention and engage potential customers. Brands need a disruptive solution to stand out in a crowded marketplace and build meaningful connections with their target audience.

Imagine launching your Web3 project, Nakamigos, and watching it get lost in the noise of the digital world. It’s challenging to make your project truly come alive and capture the attention of potential users or customers. Without a way to break through the noise, you risk missing out on the opportunity to create a lasting impression and foster a loyal community.

ARHero Brings Web3 Projects to Life
Enter ARHero, the leading provider of AR solutions that can easily turn your 3D models and Web3 projects into immersive real-world experiences. With ARHero’s cutting-edge technology, you can bring Nakamigos to life in Times Square or any other location, captivating audiences and creating unforgettable interactions.

Use Case: Nakamigos Takes Times Square by Storm
Let’s imagine the scenario: Nakamigos, your Web3 project featuring adorable virtual characters, is about to launch. To make a splash, you decide to bring the Nakamigos to life in Times Square using ARHero’s technology. As visitors stroll through Times Square, they notice a giant screen displaying the Nakamigos world. Curiosity piqued, they scan a QR code with their mobile devices, and suddenly, the Nakamigos characters materialize in the real world, interacting with the environment and passersby. People can take selfies with the Nakamigos, share their experiences on social media, and even purchase limited edition collectibles. This immersive experience not only drives engagement and loyalty but also converts visitors into Nakamigos enthusiasts, eager to join the growing community and support the project.

Benefits of ARHero for Web3 Projects:

Enhanced Engagement and Interactivity: ARHero enables your Web3 project to come alive, providing an interactive and immersive experience for your audience. By merging the digital and physical worlds, you can captivate users and keep them engaged for longer, leading to increased brand awareness and loyalty.

Brand Loyalty and Community Building: By leveraging ARHero’s technology, you can create unique experiences that foster a sense of connection and community among your audience. The ability to bring your Web3 project to life in physical spaces like Times Square helps build trust, loyalty, and a strong fan base that supports your project long-term.

Amplified Sales Conversion: Immersive experiences created by ARHero have proven to drive sales conversion. By showcasing your Web3 project in real-world environments and allowing users to interact with it, you can generate excitement, stimulate purchase intent, and convert curious onlookers into loyal customers.

Social Media Buzz and Word-of-Mouth Marketing: ARHero’s AR experiences have a viral potential that can ignite social media buzz and generate word-of-mouth marketing. Users who have a memorable experience with your Web3 project in

Differentiation and Competitive Advantage: Embracing ARHero’s technology to bring your Web3 project to life sets you apart from your competitors. By offering a unique and immersive experience, you position your brand as innovative, cutting-edge, and forward-thinking. This differentiation can attract new users, investors, and partners who are drawn to the excitement and potential of Web3 projects.

ARHero empowers brands to unleash the power of Web3 by transforming 3D models and projects like Nakamigos into captivating real-world experiences. By utilizing ARHero’s technology, you can bring your Web3 project to life in iconic locations like Times Square, driving engagement, fostering loyalty, and converting users into passionate supporters. With ARHero, you can create a powerful connection between your brand and your audience, harnessing the immense potential of Web3 to leave a lasting impression in the digital age. Contact ARHero today and discover how you can revolutionize your Web3 project with immersive AR experiences that captivate, engage, and convert.